Uncertainty (and Change)

Panta rei (everything changes), famous axiom from the pre-Socratic Heraclitus.

“Everything depends on penetrating the uncertainty of veiled situations to evaluate the facts, to clarify the unknown, to make decisions rapidly, and then to carry them out with strength and constancy”. This is Von Moltke, disciple of Clausewitz. So, it’s 19th Century.

“…for everything that takes place in an unstable and uncertain environment, strategy is required”, Edgar Morin, French contemporary philosopher.

Now, tell me why should we not embrace change as a classic attribute of strategy? Or why should we accept that agility is a fresh new thing?

Of course, today’s world is even more rapid and liquid, nevertheless, for any good strategist a changing context is and ever was an assumption – since Heraclitus, since Moltke, actualized by Morin.

In a certain sense, strategic thinking is born as a response to the complexities of the world. When the world gets more complex, you have to get more strategists to deal with it. The greater the volatility, the more you need strategy.

How many strategists do you have in your company?

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